Image illustration SRI


A clear strategy

LA MONDIALE EUROPARTNER belongs to a Group with a strong social conscience and commitment to mutualist principles and encompasses the Group’s values of social responsibility and transparency.

In accordance with this commitment, LA MONDIALE EUROPARTNER has chosen to offer a tailored selection of SRI-certified funds, structured by theme.

Certification - a guarantee of quality

In establishing its list of SRI funds, LA MONDIALE EUROPARTNER focused on labels issued by independent institutions.

The French government has enlisted the services of Ernst & Young (EY), in cooperation with AFNOR Certification, to issue SRI certification in France.

In Luxembourg, LuxFLAG, a finance labelling agency of which LA MONDIALE EUROPARTNER is the first insurance company member, awards its Label after the investment vehicle has been assessed by independent Eligibility Committees composed of industry experts, academics and analysts. LA MONDIALE EUROPARTNER joined LuxFLAG in 2016.

Selection criteria

In response to the concerns of customers wishing to invest in a responsible manner, LA MONDIALE EUROPARTNER has defined four SRI fund themes: water, sustainable food, green finance and general ESG investment.


  • Water

Water is such an essential resource that it has become the specific focal point of a number of funds that invest only in companies involved at some point in the water management cycle, i.e. in water collection, treatment, distribution, wastewater management or decontamination.

  • Sustainable food

Some funds specialise in companies operating in the fields of food production, collection and processing, thereby offering an investment exclusively focused on the agribusiness value chain. These funds help to promote a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly and inclusive food system.

  • Green finance

Fund managers focus on investing in organisations involved in reducing carbon footprint, supporting energy transition and combating climate change in general.
For example, this may involve providing support for innovative green energy projects, assisting clean-up operations and reducing the carbon footprint of traditional industries. 


  • General ESG investment

Regardless of differences between industry sectors or non-financial characteristics, these funds offer a generalised approach to SRI’s based on the ESG criteria below

ESG criteria:

- Environmental: this concerns companies’ compliance with environmental requirements such as nature conservation, protection of the environment and wildlife, reduction of carbon footprint and prevention of pollution.

Social: this aspect covers the company’s relationships with various people including employees, suppliers and customers, observance of fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, human dignity, industrial relations, etc.

Governance: this concerns the company directors’ respect and interests of their shareholders via the creation of oversight mechanisms (Supervisory Board, internal control system, etc.) along with an appropriate executive compensation policy.

These funds may adopt two different strategies when selecting companies to invest in:

-  Best-in-class, meaning selecting the best ESG performers in each business sector.
- Best-in-universe, where the best ESG companies are selected regardless of the operation sphere.

LA MONDIALE EUROPARTNER has chosen 25 funds on the basis of their ethical commitment and performance. A list of our selected SRI funds may be downloaded opposite.